Horizon Soft commodities works daily with collectors and trading houses as a support to their strategic development of their product sales. Please find below some of the numerous tools we use to help these commercial policies.


Tailor-made market analysis platform made for farmers, mobile friendly and updatable.

Building up an extranet is a strategic choice. This platform helps you gain fidelity amongst your partner by proposing information that will support your commercial development.

The extranet platform is a communication tool that we feed daily and on which we let you a total freedom of its administration.


Meeting aiming to guide the farmers in their price risk management.

The goal of these clubs is to value your commercial policy to the eye of your farmers and to assist your commercial strategy.

In this spirit, HSC only intervenes as an external consultant that helps the producers in their revenue’s securing consideration process.


A market follow up created on your terms to escort you through your risk management.

Through numerous discussions, HSC place at your disposal a personalized market analysis to comprehend the evolution of the markets.

With reactivity and anticipation, we present you a structured point of view that will give you the key to comprehend the impact of global elements on your local management.

The goal of this service is simple: consult and gain the opinion of senior analysts to improve your strategy on the agricultural markets.


A weekly market that briefly summarize the situation of the agricultural markets

Adjustable and tailor-made, HSC is listening to you to create the most relevant information letter you can come up with. The market analysis that we propose can (or not) complete your internal communication tool such as your price references, your commercial offers …

The goal of these letters is to offer to your company a communication tool for your network. By creating this letter following your terms, HSC enhances your competitive edge.